Switchboard Electrician in Melbourne

Professional Switchboard Electrical

Do you know the danger that’s lurking behind your main switchboard? From ceramic fuses, to asbestos panels, to hot joins that cause fires; behind the switchboard panel there’s plenty of hidden options for something to potentially go wrong.

Of all the houses we inspect, the most common thing we see is a lack of RCD protection across all circuits. Australian Standards clearly state that every circuit MUST be protected by an RCD. Essentially an RCD has two main objectives: to protect people and to protect property.

But what if your house doesn’t have any protection? What if it has always been like that? I guess it’s comparable to when you get in your car and drive, the reality is that you don’t need an airbag until you need an airbag. It’s the same with the RCD, the reality is that you don’t need it until you really need it. The truth is, RCD’s save lives.

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